Kids RITE from RONG

Are they as caring parents doing more harm than nice by sitting down to teach our kids
what they were taught from our school days Father & dads require the best for their kids & encourage them by dedicating their free time to help with their sums.

In some cases it is hard for the concerned parent to find quality time that is necessary for their child/children to excel, reasons possibly due to working long hours to put a crust on the table.

There could be various reasons as to why father & dad are handicapped in finding the time to help the kiddies to read & write.

Parents that is lucky to find the time to help the relatives with their studies.

I ask you are you doing more harm than nice.

In some cases there's parents out there qualified to take on the role as tutor for a few hours, then they have the less lucky like my self who left school with no qualifications. So what right do I have even as a caring parent to teach them what small I do know

 thing I do know is the importance of my kids not missing out on the opportunities that I was denied due the absence of having no qualifications.

How they the parents were taught plenty of moons ago differ greatly to how schools operate today.

The 21st century schooling technique presents a complete different scenario.

I expect I am not by myself in this department when it comes down to today's educational technique.

Modern tactics are used in all places of learnng, how embarrassing having to admit that some mathematical terms that I as an adult can not spell not to mention work out as a sum.

How lack of schooling can affect your kid's chances of succeeding in life.

To secure a position of a first rate paying job you require skills, most places of employment requires verification that you are the man/woman for the job vacancy. To fill any position today depends on how much paperwork you have under your belt as in i.e. GSCE A/O levels & so on.

In the event you require to help your kids to accomplish then as a caring parent you require to sit back & leave it to the professionals who already have the skills necessary in this department.

Some parents have a much better understanding of modern day learning so they are exempt, but for those in the same position as myself & require what is best for the relatives, then may I recommend the web.

The web is the most powerful tool they have today in modern society

Online schooling is an fabulous opportunity for you & relatives members to collect knowledge.

Do not worry about all the tales you listen to behind what goes on involving kiddies on the web. You have complete parental control over your kid's presence when they surf the web. Another and is the parent require have no computer expertise. But in the event you would like to learn more about computers then why not go online where you will find knowledge on what there is to know.

Schooling online is a step in the right direction to give the kid a better start in life. Offering the chance to gain additional knowledge may not be greeted with a thank from your offspring at this present moment, but I bet a bottom dollar in years to come they will thank you for it

Before you sit down with the kiddies in the hope of educating them further, keep in mind they have different generations competing with each other. Live & learn father & dad this is a day & age where the kids of the 21st century can teach us a thing.


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